For car owners

Booking and renting

That’s the way it is! If the person who has made a booking does not look trustworthy enough to leave your car with him or her, you can always say “no”. When you join Autolevi or add your car, you do not have an obligation to rent your car.
If you want to limit the traveled distance during car rental, we recommend mentioning this as an additional limit in your car description. Then the renter can take into account how much he or she can drive. In order to keep the records, be sure to fix the mileage reading with the renter at the beginning and at the end of the car rental period.
The owner has the right to cancel the reservation at any time until the payment for the booking by the renter. If you have confirmed the transaction and the renter has already paid for the booking, but still would like to cancel the transaction for any reason, please consider the following costs: 1. cancellation by the owner of a paid rental transaction more than 48h before the start of the rental period will result in a cancellation fee of EUR 50. 2. cancellation of a paid transaction less than 48h before the start of the rental period will result in a cancellation fee of EUR 100. 3. if for any reason you fail to appear at the vehicle drop-off or if the transaction does not come into effect due to your car’s technical problems and condition, you will be liable to pay a penalty of the rental amount or a minimum of EUR 100. 4. if you want to cancel the lease because the renter is not trustworthy, no penalties will apply. If, for any reason, you have to cancel a rental transaction with a particular car and find a rental replacement car that fits your renter and the transaction takes place, neither cancellation fee nor penalty will be charged.
In case of ongoing rental period, the renter has to make a new booking and you have the opportunity to choose whether you accept the new booking or not. In case the new booking is accepted, the renter has to settle the rental invoice and then the rental will be automatically extended for a new period. When extending the rental period without returning the car to the owner, there is no need to prepare a new instrument of delivery and receipt.

Car Registration

We accept all vehicles that have been registered in Estonia, Latvia and Finland, that have passed the inspection and possess car insurance policy. Autolevi monitors the compliance of each car added to the system at the time the booking is made and if the vehicle does not correspond to the terms and conditions, we will notify the car owner. Some examples of what kind of vehicles we expect to be added to the system: passenger cars, motorbikes, ATVs, vans, minibuses, agricultural machines, construction vehicles, limousines, etc.
If you want to permanently remove your car from Autolevi, you can do it in your user account. If you need to use your car for a longer period of time or you drive away from country for a couple of months, for example. All you need to do is to push "Hide" in car profile. If you want to permanently delete it - it is also available in profile.
Yes, we do. Also, we try to help to figure out how to rent your car according to your leasing agreement. Autolevi does not create any obstacles for renting a lease car. If the lessor does not allow to rent a lease car, you might consider replacing the lessor. You can also negotiate on the contract amendments with lessor in order to ensure that the lessor would allow to rent the car.
Car rental does not affect warranty in any way. The terms and conditions of the warranty do not change and cannot change if you rent your car. If you still think that it could affect the warranty, please contact us and let’s review the terms and conditions of the warranty of your car together.
Adding a car is fairly simple if you are already a registered user. If you are not a user of Autolevi yet, please join us in the first place (register here). After registration, you will receive an e-mail asking you to active your account. If you already have an account, you just have to select “Add a car” on your user account. Please fill in required fields and click on “Add a car” at the end of the form. After this, Autolevi will review the car you added and if everything is correct, it will be published in the Autolevi portal. Then, the users of Autolevi can rent your car. Later, if necessary, you can change your car data by clicking on “Change” located under the car profile.


Then you have the following options. Upon receipt of the car, fix the condition in the instrument. Then try to find a solution for the problem together with the renter on the spot. If the renter agrees to solve the problem in a reasonable manner, then everything is okay. However, if you do not reach a reasonable agreement and you consider the renter’s behaviour inappropriate, the most powerful tool is leaving negative feedback. Autolevi will also ask the renter to provide feedback on the issue. By giving feedback, it is possible to fix the behaviour and attitude of an inappropriate renter and it is known to Autolevi. Also, other car owners will be notified about the inappropriate behaviour of the renter. Together we can build a reliable car rental environment. If the renter causes any damage concerning your property, for example, you have to take your car to dry cleaning, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to
It is not possible to determine the fine on the car, but only on the renter who used the car. According to the contract, the renter must notify Autolevi about the fine and reasons for getting a fine. However, Autolevi cannot check it in any way, therefore, please notify us about the received fine or complaint as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to and we will review the case. If necessary, we will assist you in communicating with authorities or the person who has placed a complaint. We also ask you to inform the authority who sent the fine or complaint about the person who rented the car. If you need any assistance, please contact us without hesitation. The renter must pay a contractual penalty for hiding the fine to Autolevi in accordance with the contract. We pay 50% of this to you for compensation and 50% remains to Autolevi in order to cover the costs related to the procedures.
The car owner and the renter may always extend the car rental period. In this case, Autolevi must be always notified, otherwise the guarantees offered by Autolevi do not apply to the extended rental period. However, if the renter returns your car later than agreed, please send an e-mail to with the following information:
  • Name of the renter
  • Rental contract data
  • Actual and agreed return time
Autolevi collects the contractual fees from the renter.

How does it work?

Autolevi connects people, who need a car and people, who own a car. If you need a car, you can search one from our portal, fitting your exact needs and the purpose of the journey. If you have a car, you can successfully offer it to those, who can use the car in times you do not need it yourself.
The goal of Autolevi is to create an open and friendly community, who would contribute to a slightly smarter and more effective transport, as well as making the world a greener and eco-friendlier place. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important that you would treat renters with friendliness and respect. To this end, you should:
  • Respond to bookings as quickly as possible.
  • Respond to the e-mails and calls of the renter as operative manner as possible.
  • Be present by the agreed time to deliver and return the keys and the car.
  • Keep your car clean and well-maintained.
  • Ensure that the motor third party liability insurance contract has been concluded with regard to the car.
  • Carefully verify the data presented by the car owner.
  • Give feedback after the rental period.
  • Be kind, friendly and helpful.
That’s the way it is! If the person who has made a booking does not look trustworthy enough to leave your car with him or her, you can always say “no”. When you join Autolevi or add your car, you do not have an obligation to rent your car.
Autolevi is working in order to ensure that the car rental process would be as safe as possible for the car owner. To ensure the safety of car rental:
  • Autolevi checks the background of every newly joined user and no unreliable persons are allowed to join the system.
  • When booking a car, the purpose of use is asked in order to increase transparency.
  • The car owner has a responsibility to ascertain the identity of the renter and in case of doubt, he or she will be entitled to withdraw from the transaction also at the time of handing over the car.
  • The car owner has also an opportunity to carry out an additional background research on the renter and make sure on the spot that the person is credible.
  • The concluded rental contract protects both parties against unlawful actions.
  • The car owner is not allowed to give original documents of the vehicle to the renter. Only copies are allowed to be given to the renter.
  • If the person turns out to be unreliable on the basis of collected information, you can refuse to rent your car. Nobody is forcing you to rent your car to a person you do not trust!
In case of ongoing rental period, the renter has to make a new booking and you have the opportunity to choose whether you accept the new booking or not. In case the new booking is accepted, the renter has to settle the rental invoice and then the rental will be automatically extended for a new period. When extending the rental without returning the car to the owner, there is no need to prepare a new paper of delivery and receipt.
On one hand, Autolevi has been created in order to make the unused resource of the car owners work for their benefit. On the other hand, there are a lot of people, who do not have a car at all or their car is not suitable for the particular journey. So, you can use Autolevi, which brings people together and helps them to use their resources in a rational way. The scheme describing the functioning of Autolevi is available in front page.


Autolevi offers all its users peace of mind – our service is easy-to-use and you’re protected by our insurance. Created in collaboration with If Insurance, Autolevi’s insurance applies to all cars and vans rented from our platform. For motorcycles and trailers, deductible applies. It is the only insurance that covers car sharing in Estonia. More info here:
If the renter is involved in some kind of a traffic accident with damages, then it should be determined whether it is possible to cover the losses from a regular car insurance. If not, it should be examined whether the car has a comprehensive insurance to cover the losses. If there is no comprehensive insurance or the insurers are not willing to compensate for damages, then according to the contract, these need to be remedied by the person who rented your car. Currently, active work is under way to find an insurance partner, who would cover all car rental risks.
The terms and conditions of a valid motor third party liability insurance do not change. The amendment of terms and conditions of further insurance contracts particularly depends on the fact if the renter is responsible for causing the traffic accident. If the renter is not responsible for the accident, then the insurance terms and conditions should not change. If the renter causes a traffic accident, the damage is compensated for the victim by the insurer of the vehicle that caused the traffic accident. The insurer may consider the fact that the accident took place in further insurance transactions.
We understand that renting your car may be a big decision for you. Therefore, we are working to automatically offer you the insurance solution with the widest possible protection for each car rental period in the future. If your car has currently valid comprehensive insurance, it should equally protect you from risks agreed in the insurance contract during the car rental period.
Yes, your car must have a valid regular motor third party liability insurance.

Joining Autolevi

Click on “Register” on our main page and complete all necessary information fields. Then an account is created for you. After registration, you will receive an e-mail with a request to active your account. Registration and membership are free for all! After you have created an account, go to your profile and add the rest of information!
You can rent your car for various reasons. The main reason may be helping other people in a situation where they do not have a car and your car is unused. Additionally, the person-to-person car rental has a number of other advantages:
  • You can earn extra money with car rental each month.
  • You can share your car maintenance costs when renting your car (maintenance, insurance, washing, etc.).
  • Car rental enables you to earn money from your car.
  • Rent your car out while it is unused. For example, if you have more than one car in the family and one of the cars is not used so often.
  • By renting your car you lead a green lifestyle, since thanks to you, the existing resource is used in the most beneficial, practical and effective way.
It is reasonable to rent your car through Autolevi, since Autolevi manages the whole rental process for you. You do not have to worry about a thing! Your only tasks include delivering and receiving the car. By renting your car through Autolevi:
  • You have full control over the car rental process – you decide when and who you rent your car to.
  • You reach the best renters – Autolevi checks the background of each renter and verifies their trustworthiness. Autolevi collects rental history and analyses received feedback. This should ensure that we have the best options to rent a car.
  • You have an overview of all rental applications – you have a full overview of the history of rental applications and actual rentals.
  • When you have a rental contract with balanced rights and obligations, you can be sure that even if something should not go as planned, your property is protected through proper rental contract.
  • You receive money for car rental each month – we ensure you monthly extra income if you have rented your car during the previous month. Autolevi arranges the settlement and ensures that you receive a certain amount of money.
Yes, you can register cars from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. At the moment only from these countries, but we are working to expand even more.
Registration and membership of Autolevi are free. This does not involve any running or periodical obligations for you. Even if you are not sure whether to rent your car or you want to rent a car from someone, we recommend joining us. Only car rental should be paid for.

My Car

The renter is obliged to return the car with the agreed amount of fuel. If there is less fuel, be sure to fix it in the instrument of delivery and receipt of the car. Also, please let Autolevi know by sending an e-mail to
Yes, you can register cars from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. At the moment only from these countries, but we are working to expand even more.
If possible, do not leave your personal belongings and unnecessary things in the car while you rent it out. Please remove unnecessary things from the car during the rental period and keep them at home.
Then you have the following options.
  1. Upon receipt of the car, fix the condition in the paper. Then try to find a solution for the problem together with the renter on the spot. If the renter agrees to solve the problem in a reasonable manner, then everything is okay.
  2. However, if you do not reach a reasonable agreement and you consider the renter’s behavior inappropriate, the most powerful tool is leaving negative feedback. Autolevi will also ask the renter to provide feedback on the issue. By giving feedback, it is possible to fix the behavior and attitude of an inappropriate renter and it is known to Autolevi.
  3. Also, other car owners will be notified about the inappropriate behaviour of the renter. Together we can build a reliable car rental environment. If the renter causes any damage concerning your property, for example, you have to take your car to dry cleaning, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to
That’s the way it is! If the person who has made a booking does not look trustworthy enough to leave your car with him or her, you can always say “no”. When you join Autolevi or add your car, you do not have an obligation to rent your car.
We strongly suggest that you agree the details of the delivery-receipt paper with sufficient time (e.g. one day in advance). This helps to avoid last minute haste or misunderstandings. Before the renter arrives:
  • Be sure that you have made copies of the car documents to give them to the renter.
  • Remove all personal belongings from the car. Leave only necessary things in the car.
  • Clean the car, so it would be a pleasure to stay in it. It is recommended to leave the tank to a uniquely fixed level (e.g. full, 1/2 or 1/4).
  • Review the car condition and complete the delivery paper to ensure that the delivery is carried out in a quicker pace.
When the renter comes to receive the car:
  • Check the renter’s driver’s licence and be sure that the car is returned by the same person who booked it and whom you previously approved. If you are not sure of it, please contact us immediately!
  • Walk around the car with the renter and introduce him or her with the peculiarities of the car use. If the car has any problems, please tell them to the renter in a sincere manner.
  • Fix the odometer and fuel reading and the car condition. The more precise the instrument, the better.
When the renter comes to return the car:
  • Again, walk around the car and make sure that the car is in previous condition. Also, check the car interior together.
  • Verify together that the tank has been filled to the agreed level. Also, verify that the mileage has remained within the agreed limits.
If you have any complaints against the renter – for example, the fuel has not been replaced, mileage is bigger than agreed –, then prior to contacting us, discuss the situation with the renter and try to find a common solution. If you have reached an agreement, please write to and let us know. If you do not reach an agreement, please send the description of the situation to

Pricing and Revenue

Daily price is automatically applied in case the total amount paid for rental hours per one rental exceeds the daily price determined for the car. For example: If the car owner has set 5 euros as hourly rate of the car and 30 euros as the daily price, then car rental for more than 6 hours per single time would cost you the daily price. The same principle applies to weekly and monthly prices.
We would like to give some recommendations on how to make your car rental offer as attractive as possible:
  • Upload high-quality pictures that enable to get a good overview of the car. The renters are interested to see the car from inside out before making a decision.
  • Write a detailed and engaging description of your car.
  • Add a competitive price to your car, considering its location, brand and condition. This blog post and calculator will help you in determining the price.
  • Advertise your car to friends, neighbours, colleagues or, for example, on Facebook, your website or blog.
  • Respond to the bookings as soon as possible and accept as many bookings as possible.
Read more on these topics in our Blogs.
You will earn 70% of each car rental. For example, if you rent your car at € 30 a day, then your earn € 21 daily. At the end of each month, we add up all amounts you have earned from car rental and transfer  obtained result to your bank account latest by the end of the third week of every month.
You will be responsible for determining the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly rates for your car. We do not set any limits for you in this regard. However, we would like to make some recommendations in blog post on what to observe while pricing your car.
Availability – the more available your car is, the more money you can earn from renting your car. Marketing – the more people know about your car rental option, the bigger the circle of potential clients. Competitive conditions – the more competitive the car rental conditions, the higher the interest in renting your car. Read more about the rental pricing in the blog post of Autolevi.
If you rent your car out as a private person, then the amounts transferred by Autolevi act as an income for renting out your car. It is precisely the same income that you would earn from renting your apartment or house. Autolevi cannot declare the earned income for use and does not communicate with the Tax Board in order to organise it for you.
Autolevi conducts weekly payments for the car owners on every Monday.  The payment will include all income earned from transactions that are completed by Sunday at 23:59 o'clock. This is to ensure that all payments would take place for all bookings accurately completed and there would be no fuss with transferring the money due to bookings that have been changed or cancelled.

Reliability and safety

At the moment, we check the background of the renters by using different information channels and databases. If necessary, we will send an inquiry to the renter with regard to the information found and ask for explanations. We also contact third parties for additional information, if required. Additionally, we check the validity of the driver’s licence of the renter by using the databases of the Estonian, Latvian and Finish Road Administration. Autolevi also collects feedback on each car rental.

For renters


During the time you rent the car, you are responsible for all that happens to the car. The best way to ensure that there would be no undue claim for the damages later on is to make proper pictures of the car before and after the rental period. If the car will be still damaged (etc.) during the rental period, you have to agree on the reimbursement of damage with the car owner. If you do not reach an agreement, please write to
The car was damaged before the rental period, but the owner did not notice it. Does that mean that I am responsible for this damage? Probably yes, if the owner does not admit it. Therefore, we suggest that you take a quick walk around the car with the car owner and fix all existing damages. If possible, take a picture of them in order to avoid later disputes. Also, walk around the car after the car has been returned and make sure there are no damages. If you still happen to have such disputes, try to reach an agreement with the car owner. If you fail to reach an agreement, please write to

How does Autolevi work?

Autolevi connects people, who need a car and people, who own a car. If you need a car, you can search one from our portal, fitting your exact needs and the purpose of the journey. If you have a car, you can successfully offer it to those, who can use the car in times you do not need it yourself.
On one hand, Autolevi has been created in order to make the unused resource of the car owners work for their benefit. On the other hand, there are a lot of people, who do not have a car at all or their car is not suitable for the particular journey. So, you can use Autolevi, which brings people together and helps them to use their resources in a rational way. The scheme describing the functioning of Autolevi is available in front page.
It is up to the car owner to determine, whether he or she wants to rent the car with a full, half-full or empty fuel tank. The car owners have indicated this in the car profile page. The car must be returned with the same amount of fuel as there was at the beginning of the rental period. The renter is responsible for buying the necessary fuel during the rental period. We suggest that you keep all the fuel bills after you have refueled the car in order to prove that you have refueled the right kind of fuel, if necessary.
Mileage is not restricted during one rental period, unless the car owner has noted otherwise in the car description. If the car has a mileage limit, then in case the limit is exceeded, the renter has to pay according to the price list.
You can immediately pay for your booking if the car owner has approved your booking (for new users we have to first complete an automatic data check which takes maximum 30 minutes). After your booking has been approved, we will send you an invoice in the volume of the requested service and it must be paid by the deadline indicated on the invoice. If the invoice is not fully paid, the car owner is not required to rent the car.
If the car owner has approved your booking and you have paid the invoice, Autolevi will send you the contact. Car owner or you can find them in Transactions panel. After that, you need to get in touch and find an opportunity to deliver the car and the keys. Generally, the car owner has already marked the relevant field in the contract, where he or she wants to hand over the car, however, you can always find a more convenient option for doing this.
It is easy!
  1. Go to our website at
  2. Select “Register” from the upper right corner, complete required fields and activate your user account via link sent to your e-mail.
  3. Find a suitable car.
  4. Click on the car you like in order to see detailed information.
  5. Find out about the car and be sure that this is the car you want to rent.
  6. Complete the booking form and click “Send booking” and wait for the reply of the car owner.
The speed of replying depends on the car owner. After the data sheck of the new user, the Autolevi system will immediately send the booking to the car owner. Generally, you will receive the reply within a couple of hours, but depending on the time (e.g. late in the evening) and weekday, the response may take more time. Therefore, it would be reasonable to consider up to one day. Also, you can see average response time of the car owner in their profile.
In order to extend the ongoing booking, you need to make a new booking in which the beginning of the new booking is the ending of the ongoing booking. If the car owner accepts the new booking, you need to pay the rental invoice and the booking will be automatically extended for the new period. When extending the rental period without returning the car to the owner, there is no need to prepare a new paper of delivery and receipt. Example: You rented the car from 1 October (at 09:00) to 12 October (at 21:00) and you want to use your car also after 12 October (at 21:00). To this end, a new booking must be immediately made during the ongoing rental period, beginning on 12 October at 21:00.


Autolevi offers all its users peace of mind – our service is easy-to-use and you’re protected by our insurance. Created in collaboration with If Insurance, Autolevi’s insurance applies to all cars and vans rented from our platform. For motorcycles and trailers, deductible applies. It is the only insurance that covers car sharing in Estonia. More info here:

Joining Autolevi

Click on “Register” on our main page and complete all necessary information fields. Then an account is created for you. After registration, you will receive an e-mail with a request to active your account. Registration and membership are free for all! After you have created an account, go to your profile and add the rest of information!
You should click on “Register” on the upper right side of the main page and complete all necessary information fields. After this, an account will be created for you. After registration, you will receive an e-mail asking you to active your account. Then, it is possible to rent a suitable car on its page in a quick and simple way. Registration and membership are free for all!
Indeed, there are several various car rental companies operating in Estonia. The advantages of Autolevi have been elaborated here. In brief, these are as follows:
  • No deposit
  • Rental process is faster and more convenient
  • A wide choice of cars just nearby
  • Exciting and practical additional equipment for the same price
  • Flexibility
  • Affordable price
Registration and membership of Autolevi are free. This does not involve any running or periodical obligations for you. Even if you are not sure whether to rent your car or you want to rent a car from someone, we recommend joining us. Only car rental should be paid for.

Payment and prices

Daily price is automatically applied in case the total amount paid for rental hours per one rental exceeds the daily price determined for the car. For example: If the car owner has set 5 euros as hourly rate of the car and 30 euros as the daily price, then car rental for more than 6 hours per single time would cost you the daily price. The same principle applies to weekly and monthly prices.
If you are a new user in Forus Autolevi then we need to check your data first before you can pay for the booking. If the car owner accepts your booking, we immediately send you the invoice. Paying the invoice is a prerequisite for the car rental. Therefore, payment must take place prior to the rental period.
We accept credit card payments and some of the most popular bank links. If you need other method of payment please contact
Each car owner determines the price for his/her car. There are cars of very different price categories in our system. The prices start with affordable offers: € 2/hour, € 10/day, € 50/week, and € 150/month. At the same time, there are more expensive and luxurious cars. In addition to car rental price, you have to take care of replacing the used fuel.
Forus Autolevi accepts only (bank) transfers. It is not possible to pay in cash for the car rental.
The car rental prices shown on the Forus Autolevi portal are final and it is not possible to negotiate over these prices with the car owner.

Questions during rental period

Only you are allowed to drive the car if you have rented it under your name, since the car owner has entrusted the car personally into your hands. If you want to have your friends drive it, you have to separately coordinate with the car owner in a reproduced form, if possible.
You do not have to worry about this as long as you immediately notify the car owner and Forus Autolevi about this by sending an e-mail to and taking care that the fine would be settled. In this case, no penalty will apply to you. In any case you should pay the fine yourself. If you do not inform the car owner and Autolevi about the fine as required, we will send your contact data to the authority who has imposed the fine and they forward it directly to you. Additionally, Autolevi is entitled to claim a contractual penalty from you.
If you would like to cancel a paid booking, please do so on the booking page using the “Cancel” button. Following the above rules, we will refund you to the bank account registered in your user profile. Whether you receive a full refund, a partial refund, or receive no refund depends on the circumstances. FREE CANCELLATION Please note that the reservation is not binding either to you or to the car owner prior to payment and will be automatically canceled after 24 hours from the confirmation by the car owner if you have not paid for it. If you can cancel your reservation up to 24 hours before the beginning of it or 1 hour after paying for it, you can do it without any additional cost. BOOKING CANCELLED BY CAR OWNER If a car owner cancels your booking for some reason, he/she will have to notify you as soon as possible. In this case you will receive a full refund. RENTER/CAR OWNER NO-SHOW If a car owner or the renter fails to cancel and doesn’t show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip’s scheduled start time the booking will be cancelled automatically. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to change the time of the car handover. If a renter who shows up to a handover with no licence, with an invalid licence, or who sends their additional driver in their place, then booking is also cancelled. CANCELLATION FOR TECHNICAL/CLEANING CONCERNS In the case of a vehicle not matching the description published on Autolevi website, you will receive a full refund. The Autolevi`s customer support ( needs to be notified within 2 hours of the issue. Later claims will not be satisfied. For example: vehicle has technical issues which were not mentioned in the ad or does not appear on the photos; vehicle is promised to hand over clean but is not done so; some important function of the vehicle is not working. EARLY RETURNS You can return a vehicle earlier than planned but it is not possible to get a refund for the unused time. USER BACKGROUND CHECK We check the background of the renters by using different information channels and databases to be sure of their goodwill. If a renter does not pass the background check, he/she will be notified as soon as possible and booking will be refunded within five workdays. PARTIAL REFUND If you cancel a paid booking less than 24 hours before it starts, you will receive a refund beginning from the third rental day. If your booking lasts less than three days, you will receive nothing. EXCEPTIONS Forus Autolevi understands that things happen outside your control that may force you to cancel a booking. You will receive a full refund for the circumstances listed below: · Flight interruption (submit documentation from the airline showing that your flight was canceled or delayed). · Severe illness (submit documentation from the hospital showing that you needed emergency medical aid). · Natural disaster (includes only cases in which the state emergency is announced).
No, unfortunately it is not possible to ask money back for the unused time.
Yes, we do. Smoking is only allowed if the car owner tolerates it (this will be fixed in the contract). In other cases, it is strictly forbidden to smoke in the car.
Having pets in the car is allowed only in those cars, where the car owner has explicitly said so (this has been fixed in the contract) in the car description.
In order to extend the ongoing booking, you need to make a new booking in which the beginning of the new booking is the end of the ongoing booking. If the car owner accepts the new booking, you need to pay the rental invoice and the booking will be automatically extended for the new period. When extending the rental period without returning the car to the owner, there is no need to prepare a new instrument of delivery and receipt. Example: You rented the car from 1 October (at 09:00) to 12 October (at 21:00) and you want to use your car also after 12 October (at 21:00). To this end, a new booking must be immediately made during the ongoing rental period, beginning on 12 October at 21:00.

Requirements for the renter

The car owner is always entitled to refuse from accepting the booking, but here are general criteria, which preclude the acceptance of booking:
  • Absence of valid driving licence.
  • Significant traffic offenses entered in the traffic register.
You have to be at least 18 years old and possess a valid driver’s licence.

How it works?

1. Add your car to Autolevi.
2. Wait until you get reservation.
3. Meet with renter and hand over your car.
4. Receive car from renter. Give feedback.
1. Find the perfect one from wide selection of cars.
2. Send reservation to owner.
3. Meet the owner and start your journey!
4. Refuel, return and rent again!

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